Concentrated Full Spectrum Hemp (Grown As Organic) CBD in MCT Oil base

Concentrated Full Spectrum Hemp (Grown As Organic) CBD in MCT Oil base

Regular price $65.00 Sale

CBD Oils Hemp Extract – Full Spectrum

Enlightened Botanicals CBD Commercial Hemp Extract gently blended in 100% organic MCT oil with vitamin E as a preservative and a touch of organic food grade peppermint. The Enlightened Botanicals CBD extract is a clinical grade product and is an ultra-refined, dewaxed. CBD concentrate that starts out at about 70% CBD. That CBD extract is then blended into organic MCT oil to concentrations of 500 mg, 1250 mg, or 2500 mg of Whole Plant Extract per ounce.

As a dietary supplement, take 5 sprays orally 1 – 2 times per day as needed. For particular needs and conditions, this amount can be doubled to achieve desired effect. In individuals with healthy GI tracts, allow for 2-3 hours for peak absorption. While some individuals feel the effect quickly, please allow 2-3 weeks to evaluate the effect of CBD on your condition.

Supplement Facts

Bottle Size:  1 fl oz  or 30 ml

Serving Size 1 ml or 5 sprays

Serving per Container : 30